
  at Saturday, January 17, 2009
I started off my school's morning prayer session this week. For the first 3 days it was just me alone but as i prayed for more people to come, 2 of my dear friends came along for Thursday and Friday. So i really want to thank God for that answered prayer:)

I really wonder what's so special about morning prayer. I mean, each time i go to the place we meet up for prayer, a feeling of freshness just come to me, and as I read just a small portion of the bible, it just sticks with me the whole day. Of course, that comes with a price of a chance getting caught by the school authorities for this "illegal" meeting. So far so good though:P

So, guys and girls (who are still in school) , if there has not been a prayer meeting in your school, i suggest you innitiate one too. Even Jesus when He's on earth often prayed right? There's just something really powerful and special about it.

Yet, always remember that the purpose of prayer is not that so people can see how holy we are, nor is it to fulfill a "duty" if you are starting one:)


Lydia said... @ January 17, 2009 at 6:41 PM

we had it when i was back in CBN. there were about 10-15 of us Christians and sometimes the few non-believers too. When the bell rang, we were always the last bunch of Christians to arrive in the hall for assembly. lol.

BryanTang said... @ January 17, 2009 at 7:02 PM

lol, that's really cool.. many schools have it i heard. haha kinda late for my school to start now. you have things like lining up every day? those thing and the prefects really gives me the stress everyday, have to be there so early.

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